Back to make-up HAAA.
Makeup of the moment: mineral makeup.
They have very minimal ingredients so it's supposed to be good for the skin, environmentally friendly, they come in all crazy array of colours, and they are so so cheap.
Essentially they're coloured powders with multiple functions, most commonly used as eyeshadow, they can also be packed on the lips, brushed across cheeks, body shimmer, nail colour etc etc.
What can I say, I love them. These are from
Simply Natural's, and they give entire FULL 5g jars, not sample sizes.

Pretty pretty. My first purchase I only got Jessy Black, Butterscotch, Egypt and Primrose. I liked them so much I ordered the rest.
Primrose: I would call this glitter with pink and gold shimmers. Had to pack on a lot to get a pink shade.
Rose: Primrose with actual colour. This has more pigments and wearable on the eyes.
Butterscotch: Fave of the lot. This is a basic neutral everyday colour. I put this on the entire lid, line eyes, mascara and I'm ready to get out.
Bittersweet: It's under the Orange category from the website, but it comes off pinkish corally.
Midnight Blue: Intense Navy Blue, loves it.
Blue-Bell: Very pretty in the jar, but comes off sheer. Baby blue basically.
Egypt: Green with blue shimmer hilights. Unfortunately I had to pack a lot of this on to get the nice colour out.
Gem: A much better Egypt. More pigmented and a nice deep green colour, another love.
Purple Grape: Flat purple. Loves it again.
Wine: A very nice purplish raspberry colour. Matte. Very very pigmented, I washed the colours off my hands and this one had the most vibrant stain.
Jessy Black: Black with low shimmers, nice subtle change from the usual flat mattes.

From L to R: Bittersweet, Gem, Egypt, Midnight Blue, Blue-Bell, Purple Grape, Wine, Rose

Swatches with Flash (more true to actual colour)

Swatches of Jessy Black, Butterscotch and Primrose.
Downsides: On the eyes they crease like mad, so a good eyeshadow base is essential.
Too Faced Shadow Insurance, Urban Decay Primer Potion, MAC Paint Pots should do the trick.
They are also very very messy, so be sure to get these sifter things. It will control the amount of product that comes out and prevent spillage.

If you can't get your hands on these, cover your vanity space with a piece of tissue prior to working with them.

Because Simply Natural's gave such full jars, they are bound to spill and spill they did.
This happened in the process of fixing sifters onto the jars.
Though admittedly I did sprinkle a little pink to make the tissue look prettier heh.
Anyway my spending has officially stopped, because I'm going to blow it all off on my holiday trip next week, and then I'm starting school so imma be so poor again. I'm going on holiday HAPPY EXCITED !@@##$%
It's 4 already?! I gotta get ready! Ciao!