From this...

Lomography effect rocks.
To this.

Oooh. Check out how my hair colour pops with silky tresses.
I was supposed to have straight eye curtain bangs, but never mind.
And my hair has never ever been this long, so I'm quite happy :)
Next plan of action is to Anna Sui SS '08 it up.
I was supposed to have straight eye curtain bangs, but never mind.
And my hair has never ever been this long, so I'm quite happy :)
Next plan of action is to Anna Sui SS '08 it up.

But this colour is pretty hard to find in colour extensions. Hmm.
One of my qualms was that red hair extension would be a bitch to dress up for, and that I'd have to abandon colours. Not so, fortunately :)

Your hair looks fabulous - before and after! You are lucky it has so much natural volume :)
I really love both the before and after for your hair. They're both equally lovely in my opinion.
And great hair inspirations in Anna Sui models. They all would look great.
Yo!!!!!!! Surprise~
I like e 1st photo!
So maganizinish..Vivi? JJ? :)
marcella: aw thanks! And nooo that's not natural volume! That's just tons of finger teasing prior to taking the photos. 5 minutes later it's flat as a pancake.
christina: thanks!
shen: SHEN! wait for me to add moles around the mouth then 100% Vivi haha!
Hi you got your hair colored AND straightened at the same time? And by straighten do you mean rebonded?
Nope, coloured first. In singapore there's no more distinction between straightening and rebonding so yes, rebonded -_-.
I love your hair, it looks fabulous. I really like the second picture.
By the way, I love the black-red hair of Anna.
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