Monday, October 01, 2007

To Oxford... or Not to Oxford.

Woo hoo just came back from a midnight practice drive.

I am crazy lemming for... Oxfords. Or jazz shoes. Honestly speaking, I do not know how to differentiate the two so when I'm less ignorant I'll categorise them properly -_-.

Gaaaaaaah, but I'm supposed to be on a shopping fast! Not even a strict diet, a full-on fast! I have some shoe money set aside, but those are reserved for my nude pumps.

Not that I could find some decent (and affordable) ones in Singapore or on Ebay anyway. The only ones I could ever find were these as I later found out Irregular Choice tuxedo oxfords.

These, more affordable hence more coveted ones, are from Urban Outfitters.

I love the red jazz flats, it comes in black too which is what I'd probably get seeing as how I already have a pair of red shoes and ugly black ones.

But I... simply... CAN'T.

Prioritise! PRIORITISE!

Eeeks! A dress spree!

I'm hopeless. Ciao.


OSN said...

They have a beautiful ones with heels at zara $169 only.

Sha said...

$169 ONLY?!

Yeahhh I'm THAT poor -_-

Heh, thanks for heads-up anyway :)