Trenchcoats and bunched-up sleeves dominate. I love bunching up sleeves because it changes the whole feel to the outfit. It's a great way to casualise a too-polished outfit.
The looks are also quite androgynous, I could myself wearing the very same pieces the models are without changing anything.

The Versace man this season is not sloppy, but slouchy in a glamorously cool kind of way. He also loves his bare chest, and has or creates for himself, nice broad shoulders.

Over at Prada, short shorts dominate. I like the colour contrast of dull hues like sleet gray with a whole array of vivid disco colours.
Actually this particular show seems to be a display of contrasts. There's the contrasting short shorts and long-sleeves, for one. Spot some more, anyone?

Vivienne Westwood
Why did I not expect a dress to turn up again? A manly man dress complete with manly man giant frills!