Speaking of rockstars, I've always wanted to pull the blazer over hoodie look off ever since Justin Timberlake did it.

It's casual and effortless yet smart because of the formal blazer.
But I don't have blazers roomy enough/hoodies thin enough. And the weather here don't exactly call for this kind of layering. Meh, I'll figure something out.
Or perhaps I could use the foolproof jacket-hoodie combo too.
I think Justin Timberlake is the coolest person ever, though he humbly denied and said George Clooney is. I would've agreed too, except Clooney belongs to my mother -_-.
More pictures of the sexyback because I know you want to be lovestoned. Don't know where they come from since they're from my, uh, personal folder. My... personal style inspiration folder, that's right *shifty eyes*.

My god, the last picture looks so sick. -.-
it looks almost like a b-grade porn picture.
GO AWAY. the josh one is more pervy ok :P :P
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