I went for a job interview last Wednesday and had another one this afternoon. I know, my earnestness surprises me even. I'm currently looking for non-permanent jobs, just some work to do to tide me over the break before I step into University *crosses fingers*.
Which brings me to the purpose of this post. Bear with me for a little while, I just need another outlet to sort my thoughts/life out.
I'm admittedly a little lost when it comes to what I want to do and the courses to take. I sort of made up my mind to go overseas, but now a part of me wants to stay here in Singapore as well.
I'm geared towards advertising and writing, but even then I'm unsure which, and will I like doing it full-time?
I thought designing was an area worth pursuing since I was in Year 2 of my studies, and based on the grades that I had for creative modules, I was more than sure it was for me. Then I tried it full-time and found [disappointedly] that it was not my thing after all.
So I'm back to square one. Where do I go? What do I do? How much money will I [more like my parents] have to invest further? I think some of my other course mates are facing the same predicament as I am right now too, based on my conversations with them.
So let's make it easier. Do what you love. Let's talk about this thing called 'Passion'. I have a love-hate relationship with this 'Passion'. Hell, if it's that easy then we wouldn't have miserable people in the world then, would we?
My most obvious passion is with fashion. I want to buy it, analyse it, decide for it, style it, WRITE about it. I want to start as a fashion journalist, moonlight as a stylist and end up chief editor of my own cutting-edge online magazine, and retire a millionaire.
This probably explains my intense hunger to just do something. Since my break period is a mere 2 to 3 months only, what I could do that could prove helpful [like another internship] is very limited.
So now I'm helping out a fellow friend who wants to explore fashion photography and I'm hoping to secure a retail job for now. And of course, more fashion-related posts I hope. So anyone who wants a hungry freelance fashion writer please approach!
Regarding getting a degree in fashion management or the like, I probably have to draft up a lengthy, super convincing speech about why it isn't a folly decision to my parents who will be horribly aghast at the mere mention of it. I think I'd also feel more secure continuing to a mass communication degree, or even one in journalism. But then again, who knows how I'm going to decide later on *shrugs*.
Then there is that other passion. I tried pursuing it, but things didn't always seem to go my way :s. We'll see how.
Trust me, this is rare. I think it's the period talking.
If you read this far, here's a photo.

if your most obvious passion is fashion, you should let it reflect in your dressing, which to me, doesn't say alot.
you will need to refine your taste as well.
just trying to help.
if your most obvious passion is fashion, you should let it reflect in your dressing, which to me, doesn't say alot.
you will need to refine your taste as well.
just trying to help.
Well I'm 19, very mainstream and low-end, I adore Topshop and ebay and nonsensical toy lookalikes. If there is a time for me to be un-refined, I think that would be now. Thanks.
yes i understand what you mean about low-end. i love topshop and topman as well.
the thing is, i dont mind the cheapest bargain buy at thrift shops or whatever. cheap is the new chic. it's just that if you could make a cheap buy look high fashion (or something along that line), i think that would be a mark of a geniunely interested fashionista.
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