I have been slacking the whole day, alternating naps with mindless tv programmes. Nice :)
Anyway, because I'm feeling quite lazy to do a proper post, I'll just feature a really super cool pervsite. This is foto_decadent and it's a livejournal community where users post gorgeous fashion photography.

I strangely think it's so sweet that she's becoming a wreck because she can't be with her husband. Not that I'm condemning... uh what was his crime again? Anyway just let him go already, I want Amy to live.

New wallpaper, much? Delish.
The site is truly gorgeous, and I hope the contributors continue, uh, contributing.
Time for a nice movie.
I love your blog! these pics are amazing!I usually save some of your pics to use them as my wallpaper :)
xcuse my english!I am from Spain!
hope you enjoy my blog too ...Waiting your opinion ...
Hi there! Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed my blog! Love your blog and your outfits! :)
do you know who did the one with the lady in the blue dress? looks like guy bourdin
Bonjour, thefashionable.blogspot.com!
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